Hello everyone ^o^
Last weekend is already so long ago but I'll show you what I did!
As I started to wear a kind of Rock-Gal style last week, I really wanted to do this at the weekend, too.
This was my outfit!
it was the day before when I tryed out which outfit to choose |
First of all I met with my best friend Kiki at the art supply store "Edelhoff". I had to buy stuff for University. It was so stormy... my hat nearly would have flown away ~haha
I was too early there so I decidet to go into a shop called NKD...I guess... and I bought two bargains ^v^°
leopard tights (I wanted to try some others than always those from H&M) |
nice earrings ^.^ |
After I bought all stuff at "Edelfhoff" we hat a stop at "Coffee Fellows" I've nearly my point card full ~haha
Vanilla Chai for Kiki and Hot Chokolate white for me *__* the best I've ever ordert there!!! |
Kiki wanted to shock me with her outfit >__< same combination as Kiryuuin-san alwas wears (Tamiya-Shirt, brown cadry and something in red-checked) ^o^ |
me ~ |
Then Kiki bought a camel coloured coat with fur leopard collar at Tally Weijl which exactly looks like a coat from Ma*rs... nearly all the buttons were fallen off... but she got a special prize ^o^ ( I forgot to take a photo)
And then I saw another item that remindet me of something!
that bear mobile phone charm remindet me... |
...of these
6% dokidoki bears I've seen in a
KERA issue. The shape of head and even the movable legs and arms are alike... ~haha
I also tryed some garments on.
Kiki loves zebra print! Maybe she'll buy this when the prize is reduced ^o^ |
I also tryed on a cardigan that Kiki is going to buy for our Ko-Gal shooting! |
this is what I bought ^v^ |
I really wanted to have it and now the prize was reduced ^o^ |
We went to H&M and Kiki bought two items that really fit her perfectly!!! *____* I never thought that such a preppy, nerdy style would fit her so much!
glasses and beanie |
I also bought a cream white beanie for 1€ ^o^ but another one |
And I bought two cardigans. I wanted one of them for a Ko-Gal shooting that Kiki and me are planning.
for the Ko-Gal shooting I'll choose this one
This is what I nearly want to look like for the Ko-Gal shoot ^o^

The other cardigan remindet me more of one of these college jackets I saw in the november issue of Popteen
or like this jacket from CoAndLu |
I also bought that leopard printed nail file. Kiki bought one with zebra print. |
In the end of the day we were really longing for a bubble tea! It's already a long time ago since we had one ^o^ so we went to the Alexanderplatz !!!
Kiki with all our gets ♥ (Kiki even bought a curling iron *__*) |
Caramel Milk Tea with Jelly for me and Peach Milk with srawberry bubbles for Kiki |
I won't choose the Jellys again but it was a try ^.^° |
bye bye and see you hopefully again ^o^
~chu ♥