Hello everyone ^o^
wow~ it's been 5 weeks or something?..since I wrote the last blogpost... but I've been very busy with my bachelor thesis...
But today I wanna blog about the international gyaru winter meet-up in Frankfurt that I attended two weeks ago with my friends ^o^
We left Berlin friday in the evening via ICE to go to Frankfurt (Main).
my simple outfit friday evening |
me and my luggage ^^° |
the whole cabin for us *o* we used it for eating... |
...and for funny post-it-forehead-terms-guessing-game ^^° (wer bin ich, Zettel vorm Kopf) |
Well, we arrived at Frankfurt around 11pm.
whole group sitting in the hotel lounge |
... exhausted Lau |
The next morning everyone was busy with preparing the look for the meet-up. Hair, make-up, outfit, accessories.... XP you know what I mean!
We had 3 hotel rooms so I couldn't take photos of the other girls... Here is Hani who was doing Maos hairstyle^^
I did everything on my own! I don't like other people doing my hair or make-up or something...I only trust myself in case of styling XD
first photo of my finished hairstyle~ |
finished make-up... not satisfied with the eyebrows...-.-° |
I borrowed the dress+collar (d.i.a.) from Tine^^ thanxx <3 (It's the most beautiful dia-dress ever! I'd really like to buy it no matter what colour... but I'm always too late...) |
finished with cardigan and boots <3 |
dress + collar - d.i.a.
bra straps - d.i.a.
belt - d.i.a. replica
cardigan - Kik
boots - Osco (fur details selfmade)
Everyone met at 1pm at at Frankfurt central station.
90 of these tickets were sold in advance sale! So we were around 90 people!!! |
(right to left): Mao, Tine, Hani, Kukki ...Lizzy in the background... |
Kukki and Senja <3 |
After some time the crowd set in motion to go to the location^^
haha~ Steffi^^ (with Ina and so many others... oh and the two gals from Japan -Miku and ???) |
we had to go by train....
Svea and me |
Mao and Senja |
Kiki and Hanis hair ^^ |
Finally we arrived at the "Romanfabrik". This location with stage, bar and a big room was rented for some hours only for the meet-up.
entrance |
This is the only official photo so far. But we had a professional photographer! I'm looking forward to more official photos ^o^ |
Inside the location
our table from above (Kiki and Svea sitting) |
Mojito Gyarusa is present ^o^ (left to right: Senja, me, Mao, Kiki, Hani) |
love you gals <3 <3 <3 |
But it was also very nice to be able to talk to other girls and boys that you just knew from facebook or blogs! Everybody was super nice and kind!
with Gyaru Lovers winter meet fan <3 |
Selfie time^^ |
First point of the stage programm was a small introduction of all the gyarus and gyaruos~
So we had to go on stage according to origin.
the two gals from Finnland~ (and Kitai the host of the meet) |
the Swiss gyaru and gyaruo |
the two Japanese girls and the girls from England |
Spanish gals and Steffi (Luxembourg) |
Gyarus and Gyaruos from the Netherlands and Sweden |
German gals from Hamburg |
our group~ from Berlin and Brandenburg |
Everyone had to tell name, destination and favourite part of the outfit!
Kukki showing her Jeffrey Campbell boots~ XD |
biggest group from North Rhine-Westphalia
more and more gals XD no prospect of an end XP |
Bavarian gyarus~ |
the last small group leaving the stage |
My camera is not made for indoor photos.... overexposed or blurred -.-°
Afterwards we all had to fill in our votes for the Gyaru Lovers Avards in different categories!
the form |
The categories were: make up, coordinate, hair, coord and hair for gyaruos, Agejo, Hime, Tsuyome/kuro gyaru, Rokku, roma/sweet gyaru, kindest gyaru, most original look, Mrs. and Mr. Gyaru/o.
I won't tell you all the winners because it's too confusing when you don't have a face to all the names... an I did not take photos of all the winners...^^°
Noone of our group won in a category (of course not... we're not so famous^^°) but Hani was voted into the 3 best in category Rokku. And Senja was voted into the 3 best in category Hime gyaru^^. And I was voted into the 3 best in the hair category! Little bit proud^^°...
some selfies inbetween^^ |
Tine and me |
Senja and Thanan XD |
favourite photo XXDDD (Tine and Senja) |
Next point of the agenda was a bring & buy fasion show~
Some girls presented gyaru brand clothes that other gals wanted to sell.
I sold one of my Liz Lisa dresses ^o^
and of course I bought something^^°... (dia top and belt... will show it to you in my next haul post)
Afterwards some persons danced para para on stage~ wow~ great *o* ...I would like to show you the videos that I made but I did not have time to edit them until now! Later! I promise!!!!
Hani and Svea |
Mao and Hani |
We had such a nice time there and it was well organised!!! Big thanxx to Kitai and Kyo!!!! They both organised the whole event!
There was also a ruffle. Mao won a new d.i.a. knitted top *o*~ woaaaah lucky!
I won one of the first printed copies of the GalVip magazine <3 |
After we left the location the meet-up was not over!
I changed clothes and then we went to a Karaoke bar <3
my second outfit (there is no better photo sadly..) |
top - d.i.a.
yellow top underneath - H&M
belt - d.i.a.
flared trousers - d.i.a. replica (new and selfmade just some days before the meet^^°)
Hani and Mao - a short break in the hotel before going to Karaoke |
our Karaoke room (the whole group was divided into 4 rooms I guess...) |
Mojito Gyarusa is drinking Mojito XD |
My personal karaoke-highlight: singing a metal version of "Let it go"...^^°
It was such a nice time~ everyone singing 90's songs like Coco Jambo or singing Lady Gaga and stuff~ time flew!!!
But the meet-up was not over yet! Those who wanted went clubbing ^o^
Hani, Mao, Kiki and Senja skipped.
But Svea, Kukki, Tine, Thanan, Steffi... and sooooo many others "accompanied me" !
Kukki and Seffi purple hair twins ^o^ (and nose of Ina...sorry^^°) |
Sesin, Tine, Thanan, Svea at dancing |
with Kukki <3 |
gals conquering the dance pole...^^° |
Well, I guess I was lying in my bed around 4am?... but it was worth it!!!!
One of the best days and meet-ups I ever had!
Met so nice people, had so much fun, gyaru foreverrrrrrrrrrr <3
See you next year again ^o^ (hope so)
bye bye~ chu <3 |