Dec 12, 2011

Same procedure as every weekend

This saturday my best friend Kiki and my we went shopping again, although we didn't want to spend money on fashion and Kiki actually wanted to buy christmas presents...

 We really love to sit at a café and watch one of our japanese fashion magazines to search for nice outfits (^.^) But this day we forgot to take a magazine with us (-.-)
So we decidet to visit "Neo Tokyo" and look for some new magazines! Lucky us (^v^) we found the december issues of Popteen, Egg and ageha

But the Alexanderplatz was sooooo full of people and masses went to the shopping center "Alexa"... we couln't stand that tumult and decided to go shopping at our good old "Ring Center" I'ts small but comfortable ♥
We started our tour at "coffe fellows" as we did last weekend.
Kiki had a Vanilla Chai and I tryed the Fancy Fruit Punch. I love those coloured sugar pearls (^o^)

For all who usually dislike real perumes (like me) I realy can recommend the fresh flavoured fruit sprays of "Eves Rochet" I love the coconut, strawberry and raspberry flavoured ones! Kiki bought raspberry!

Afterwards we bought stuff from Tally Weijl and H&M ... Acutally we wanted to save money but we found some nice bargains (>///<) and we couldn't resist ^.^°
my new pleated skirt from Tally

That cute leopard fur jacket was realy cheap but Kiki thought that she doesn't need it and so it still hangs at H&M....

Those boots belong to the children's department of H&M.... I fell in love with them but they were too small (logically). But I bought that fur collar (same print) and it fits my neck (^_^)

my outfit:
-blouse with bow: H&M
-cardy: H&M
-black onepiece: Tally Weijl
-fur stockings: Jumex
- boots: City Walk
-bag: Collosseum

Kiki at a merry-go-round horse XP

when I went home on sunday I saw the beautiful christmas tree at our local market place in Friedrichshagen (a small district of Berlin) full alight (*__*) I love it! It's the best one for years
 bye bye

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