Hello gals ^o^
Christmas is over and I've got time to blog about our gyarusa meet up last Saturday ^^
It was the first time using my extensions curled...
oh my good... so much hair >.<° |
I decided not to use a curling iron but these sponge curlers! The curls are longer lasting!!! |
now I think I shouldn't have done my own hair in such heavy curls either... but it was a first try and I was really satisfied ^o^ |
I decided for a d.i.a. outfit that day ^^ |
top, skirt, belt - d.i.a; tights - Primark; arm- and legwarmers, shoes - offbrand
because it's winter (~haha)..I had to wear my new H&M fake fur cardigan ~ it's suuuuuper warm!!!! |
with jacket and scarf and hat |
It was snowing like hell and was danm cold!!! I can't imagine that it was snowing 4 days ago... such a drastic weather change the days ago ^^°....
We met 3pm at the Alexanderplatz.
First I met Senja and Goof <3 You're soooo cool and funny. It was the first time that I met them (except the one second on the AnCafe concert~ haha)
Then Yun and afterwards Hani, Tama, A-chan and Kukki arrived. The others would come later!
Actually we wanted to go to the Christmas market. ... but they were all freezing and our hairstyles would have vanished because of the snow~haha ... so we decided to simply go to McDonalds instead!
some bought something to drink or to eat |
please note A-chan dramatically eating the burger~ haha |
It was super funny. Takling and laughing and taking some photos ^o^
cute Goof and...uups sorry for the photo Tama ^^°.... |
A-chan took some outfit photos. But we did not manage to take a group photo.... the whole day we did not manage to do so...-.-°
I loooove the result ^^ The credits go to A-chan! Sadly it's just us five girls. I hope we can make more photos with all members soon ^o^ They're all so pretty and fashionabel <3
(me, Senja, Goof, Yun, Hani) left to right |
Later on we went to Neo Tokyo. They had waffle day and special long opening hours that day. And oh my god... it was so full of people ^^° never seen Neo Tokyo so crowded~ haha
I loooove Senjas coat (from Yumetenbo) it's so hime-like <3 |
I didn't buy anything because the new mags were still in the delivery boxes and I did not find the manga I wanted to buy. But Senja bought the new Ageha issue and A-chan bought the new Men's Spider.
We went to the Korean restaurant Yumyum afterwards.
Then the missing ones arrived!
Fuyu and Thanan. And we get to know Ari!
It was super funny in the restaurant and one of the reasons was that we were all kind of dissatisfied with the food ^^°....
Please not Korean again! Everything is spicy and Kimchi..... sorry I guess since the Korean barbecue in Tokyo I have some prejudices against Korean food and they still remain ^^
my food was quite ok. ... but nothing special... |
me and Goof (now I feel like creping my hair ^^) |
The time ran so fast... and after that our group split up. Some went home and some went Karaokeeeeeee <3
Kiki, Tama, A-chan, Thanan, Ari, Fuyu and me went to a Karaoke place where you can rent Karaoke rooms like in Japan!
Kiki is not on the photo.... she is TAKING the photo ^^° |
This photo is from Fuyus blog
plastiqpop and the credits go to her!!! Check out her blog ^o^
I felt like being back in Japan <3 |
We had such a great time there *o* I just looooove Karaoke. In the end everybody was singing along and dancing ~ haha
ok...silly photos in the end ^^° |
Thanan and Ari ~ our singing queens |
Kiki and me <3 |
It was such a great day and evening. We had such a great time! I really hope we can repeat this soon <3 <3 <3
Thank you to all the gals (and the gyaru-o ~ haha)
I'm really looking forward to the next meet up!
bye bye~ chu <3
Love your Make-up and Hair in this post!
You're so pretty <3
Ihr seit soo süß <3
Du sahst richtig hübsch aus & die anderen auch! Danke für die Fotos
lg Kuri
In welche Karaokebar seid ihr denn gegangen?
I love your hair in this post so much!
These curls are awesome!
Very beautiful! ♥
All of you ♥
thank you sooo much <3
bitte bitte für die Fotos ^^°...
und vielen vielen Dank ^o^
ääähm... den Namen weiß ich leider nicht... ist eine Koreanische Karaokebar...und heißt glaub ich auch irgendwas mit "Korea".....
Nähe U-Bahnhof Nauener Platz in Berlin!
thank you sooo much <3 I was not sure about so much curls but positive feedback makes me super happy <3
Beautiful! :*
Dein outfit ist total hübsch! Und die Haare! *_*
Btw, ich adde dich mal <3~
dankeschöööön , voll lieb <3
thank youuuu *o*
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