Hello gals <3
Last Tuesday I made a short trip to Düsselorf. And short really means short!!!
I just had to go there because of a job interview for my internship for university.
I really would like to stay in Berlin during my internship but in Berlin there aren't many big clothing/fashion companies located... and Düsseldorf would be a good alternative.... let's see.
I started early in the morning in Berlin and arrived around 1pm in Düsseldorf.
The company was located near the airport.
I got reminded that my friend Michi (she's in Japan with my best friend Kiki right now) started her Japan journey there -.-° |
After the job interview which was really interesting I had some hours left until I had to catch my train back to Berlin.
So I strolled a little bit through the city.
First I bought two super delicious Onigiri and one Dorayaki at "Waraku" |
As you all might know.... The OCS Japan store closed at the end of March. I was there at the 2nd of April.... what a pity the shop was already closed... two days too late ^^° Shit happens!
The shop looked like always.... just closed! Bye bye OCS! Bye bye purikura mashine Q___Q |
I searched for a nice place to eat one Onigiri. Because the interview made me hungry^^
Onigiri with Ebi Tempura <3 |
The weather was so nice in Düsseldorf (not that cold and cloudy like in Berlin) but it was super windy >.<
So I definitely wanted to redo my hair^^°... So I went to H&M just to use a changing room for hairstyling~ haha But I really looked like a dust mob because of the wind XD
That was my styling by the way! (I did not wear the cap in the job interview XP) |
I had another hairstyling before.... but I just opened the hair then! |
I also tried a simple dress at H
&M. I didn't buy it but I like the two-"coloured" look. So I will make a dress like this on my own!
Afterwards I went to Gina Tricot. And tried some garments.
super cool poncho |
I fell in love with this maxi dress!!! |
I think I gonna sew such a dress on my own, too!!! |
When I still had one hour left I went to the café "Tenten".
I haven't been there until the location enlarged. Now it's at another larger place! I really like the new location ^o^
I drank super yummie Matcha latte and browsed through my Popteen mag. Super relaxing ^o^ |
bye bye Düsseldorf ^^ |
my supper in the train ~ Dorayaki and the second Onigiri <3 |
tuna-mayoooooooo Q______Q I missed it so much <3 <3 <3 |
I arrived back home short before 0:00 but a nice package was waiting for me <3
my new shoes *o*
I love them soooo much. They are super high... so not really made for long walks XD |
bye bye ~ chu <3
Hhuu du warst im tenTen am Sonntag? War das nachmittags? da muss ich gearbeitet haben, hab ich das vergessen oder euch nich gesehen? oO;
Aber schön, dass es euch bei uns gefallen hat^^
Und die Klamotten sind so hübsch!! *-*
@テレザ (du heißt Theresa? XD)
äääähm nein am letzten Dienstag war das. Du warst nicht da. Hab ja fast gehofft, dich mal zu treffen XD Deine kleine blonde Kollegin stand an der Theke^^
außerdem war ich allein in Düsseldorf (war ja nur wegen dem Bewerbungsgespräch in DD)^^°
War am Samstag auch in D-dorf und hab mal wieder ein wenig geshoppt und die leckeren Onigiri genossen. <33
Tuna-mayo ist einfach super-lecker! XD
Der Tag klingt doch sehr erfolgreich^^
Hast du denn schon eine Antwort bezüglich des Vorstellungsgesprächs bekommen?
Und das neue Tenten ist super, nicht wahr?!^o^
Hach, ich freu mich schon, wenn wir uns in Düsseldorf treffen^.^
@Miya Skellington
jaaaa onigiriii <3 Tuna-majo!!!! Best ever ^^
danke für den kommi^^
@Katharina Wenzig
ja der Tag war sehr nett! ne Antwort hab ich allerdings noch net. Wird auch schwer mit der Finanzierung... man bekommt wenig Geld da...
ja und ich freu mich erst, wenn wir uns sehen <3 Dann gehen wir schön was essen oder auch ins Tenten ~haha
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