Hello gals ^^
This will be the final post about the big STAR WARS Celebration that I attended.
my outfit: |
denim waistcoat: H&M
STAR WARS skirt: Spinns
bow: H&M
necklace: Glavil
shoes: H&M
hairstyle |
my eyemake up was focused on the three main colours of lightsabers: blue, green, red (as shown in my skirt) |
The very first point of order that day was to get to the "digital stage" (small cinema hall) to watch the world premiere of STAR WARS Episode II (Attack of th Clones) in 3D !!!
limitted 3D glasses of the STAR WARS Celebration ^o^ |
the cinema hall |
Michi and I were really lucky! Although the convention just opened, the cinema hall was almost full up! They counted the free seats and just let this number of viewers in! Lucky us! We got a seat in the back middle!
Epidoe II was the first STAR WARS movie I watched back in 2002/2003. And it is still my favourite Episode. But I've never watched it in cinema and to see it in breath-taking 3D optic was just overwhelming.
STAR WARS is really worth watching in 3D. The effects were really well made and to see the flights through Coruscant or an asteroid field or to see the Jedi battles and the Clone army in 3D was even better than I would have thought! Great experience!
As the complete convention was based on the english language, the movie and the interview-shows were in english, too. But no problem at all! At the end of the weekend I was completely into speaking english ~ haha
Afterwards we strolled through the fair halls to search for some gets and some more photo locations!
bounty hunters in the Mos Eisley cantina |
Michi bought this cool doormat! "May the force be with you!"(in German) |
At the end of the day we watched the Closing Ceremony on the big event stage.
They made a recap of these three great days of the biggest STAR WARS event. Summarised the highlights, announced the winners of all the different contests and talked to the organiser of the celebration.
It was a really nice and interesting summary and a funny ending of the convention.
one last lightsaber pic ^^ |
bye bye <3 |
The next STAR WARS Celebration will be in 2015 in Anaheim (California)...and I'm not quite sure to travel to the US.... but who knows^^°.....
Btw....did you have a look at my giveaway?
look here ^^
bye bye~ chu <3
muhahahaha du hast auch die essstäbchen. beim nächsten Meet müssen wir sie mitbringen und dann machen wir nen cooles Foto <3
Haha wie cool die Plushis sind *-*
Ich liebe Plüshis ^^
Aber gerade habe ich dank dir 3 Pikmin verloren xDDDDDD
Nur weil ich deinen Blog gelesen habe xDDD
Aber wie viel haben die Tickets gekostet???? :o
God wie gut du wieder aussiehst *_*
Dein Make Up gefällt mir besonders gut! :)
Echt super-geniale Bilder!!!
@Senja Sano
muhahahaha~ du weißt ja wer gewinnt XD Darth Maul hat keine Chance gegen Obi-Wan <3
Ich bring sie zu meet mit <3
äääääh.... sorry XD lass dich nicht so schnell ablenken ~ haha
die Eintrittskarte hat für das gesamte Wochenende 104€ gekostet (Tageskasse wär noch teurer gewesen)
dankööööö <3
bye <3
@Miya Skellington
dankeschön ^^ ich geb mir Mühe XD
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