Hello everybody^^
This is a post about the GG-Gltter Gyarusa meetup we hosted in Leipzig!
As we are not only from Berlin, we also try to host our meet-ups in the towns where members are living.
So this time it was Leipzig where Goof is living now! (unfortunately she had to work.. -.-°)
This time I decided for a casual street style!
I looove the beanie! It's new from H&M *o* But I will show you all me latest gets in a seperate post^^
my outfit |
set (skirt+cropped top) - H&M (it once was a onepiece)
jacket - Gina Tricot
shoes - H&M
beanie - H&M
accessories - vintage, selfmade and Primark
here is myeye make up |
Some of us met at Berlin main station to go by train to Leipzig. Some went by car later on.
Hani, Tine, Kiki and me went by train |
oh... and Thanan also went with us ^^ |
in the train... |
Time passed by very quickly... we chatted a lot and looked through very old gyaru magazines! It was fun!
At Leipzig central station we met Fuyu and our newest member Amber. Actually Amber is from the UK but she's living in Weimar right now. So she was interesed in get to know German Gals.
Kiki, Amber, Hani |
wow~ this is Kikis new Gachapin phonecase! Hani made it for her *o* |
Minna ikesou! |
on the road: Amber and Kiki |
It was around midday so everybody was hungry already~ haha. So we decided search for a nice restaurant first!
We decided for "Schnitzel Culture"(very German ^^°....)
But have a look at our giant schnitzel~ haha |
Fuyu and Hani |
Ambers nails !!! o.O just perfect! |
We had a great time and the meals were really delicious! They even have bunch of vegetarian schnitzel-versions!!!
Afterwards we went to a big shopping center and visited Goof at work. She's working in a fashion store.
shopping with the whole group |
Suddenly it became our obsession to pose likt this XD (you know some Black Diamond members are posing like this^^°) |
You will see some more photos on this post with this funny pose XD
We were searching for a good photo location for outfit photos!
This might have been a good decision for outfit photos... but I thought it reflects to much ... |
Well this is quite funny^^ but not a good decision for outfit photos~ haha |
So we went outside!
cool glitters: Tine, Amber, Hani, Kiki |
cute glitters: Lau, Fuyu and Thanan |
cute Fuyu <3 |
Inbetween Goofs work ended and A-chan and Tama arrived.
Tama, A-chan, Fuyu and Tine |
So we split up to meet again later on. Some went home with Goof and some stayed shopping and strolling around.
two persons in front of the mirror... |
... wait 4 persons in the mirror... |
...no! 5 persons (derp face) XD |
the pose again~ haha well done Tine and Amber XD |
The scarf is just amazing (at New Yorker)... but I didn't buy it! |
at New Yorker |
*derp* Tine and me |
posing again like.... |
Tama and me waiting for A-chan at the changing rooms of "Steinbruch". |
When we all met again and finally found together we were 10 people!
Leipzig really has a nice historic city! |
part of our group (the pose again... you see it really became a mad obsession to pose like this^^°) |
rest of the group |
In a very small street full of restaurants and bars (called "Barfußgässchen") we sat down at a cocktail bar.
We had a really nice evening. Under the mushroom heater it was sooo warm <3
nooooo it's not an obsession to pose like this -.-° |
It was a super nice day! The homeward journey was not that nice.... -.- Railreplacement buses and stuff ... but that's another story!
bye bye <3
~chu ^^
Die Censored Wölkchen XDDDD
Amazing coord~! And the beanie is so awesome! *o* And I can`t wait for the next post ! :3
Ahw du hastn xtra Bildchen reingemacht von mir Q//////Q dankeschöön <3
Süßer Post! Ich muss dann demnächst auch mal wieder ran. Haha |D
Bin momentan iwie nur auf Instagramm und Twitter aktiv, für alles andere zu faul T.T
Hoffe dir gehts gut! Bin seit letzten Sonntag erkältet X__x
Hab dann doch bei Tama und A-chan und ihrer Freundin gepennt und bin am So nachhause gefahren. War denke ich die bessere Lösung...
Höhö~ nice post! ^__^
Ich hoff es ist okey, wenn ich für meinen Post auch wieder paar Bilderchens von dir dann klaue ;P Natürlich mit Verlinkung ❤
Süße Fotos und tolles Outfit.Ihr hattet sicherlicherlich viel spaß und die Fingernägel von Amber sind ja der wahnsinn! ♥
Tolle Outfits!~ ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ きれい~~ (≧∇≦)
jaaaaa XD soll sich doch keiner über ein derp-face beschweren XD
@Soukkuma-Soubi Hayoka
thank you so much <3
@Victoria La
klau so viele Bilder, wie du magst! Dafür packe ich ja eigentlich schon immer alle vorher in unsere facebook-gruppe alle Bilder! Ihr sollt doch alle einfach nehmen, was euchgefällt!
@Nicky Crystal
dankeschön <3
jaaa wir hatten viel spaß ^o^
yoooo!!! die fingernägel sind mörderisch XD aber geil XD
thank you sooo much <3 ^v^
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