Hello everybody ^^
I'm super sorry that I didn't blog for so long >.<' ... but I'm very busy with sewing Cosplays for next week's anime-convention Dokomi.
But I'm on scedule with preparing Cosplays and outfits, so I thought I should tell you about my Japanday two weeks ago!
Kiki and me arrived Friday evening in Düsseldorf. Our friend Michi has moved to Düsseldorf just some weeks ago. So it was very convenient to have a housing directly in the city where the Japanday is located.
The styling took hours on Saturday morning >.<'... No, not only my personal styling but I also had to do hairstyles for Kiki, Kirschu and Michi ^^°... And all of us were wearing Yukata.
Luckily I was just wearing a wig that was already styled before~ haha
I did a Black Diamond/ 96 gal influenced hairstyle and also used heavy kuro gyaru make up. I also put a little tan on my skin.
And I wore the Yukata in oiran style (very open neckline, obi and bows up front). This way of wearing Yukata is based on the appearabce of traditional Japanese prostitutes and is very provocative!
Well I think it was one of the most flashy stylings I ever did! (except my Manba stylings which are more of a costume for me!)
tried a sujimori with my wig |
everyone's ready? |
ready for departure? |
We decided to walk from central station to the riverside where Japanday took part! I wanted to have a look at Takagi Bookstore^^°
I bought my first Zipper magazine there and the June issue of Popteen ^^ |
cute bag as present in Zipper (with snowhite by the brand Milk) |
The weather was just perfect! A real summer day !!! Almost too hot to walk miles and miles in the sun ^^°...
And OMG these crowds of people o.O° I'm a 100% sure that it gets more and more crowded every year!!! I've nerver seen so many visitors on Japanday before!!!!!
It even looks harmless on this photo o.O there where many more !!! |
We found a place for resting a little!
yeah~ we found Sato <3 (in her Gintoki Cosplay ~Gintama~) |
selfie time ^^° |
After we had a little rest we decided to look for the gyaru meet up that was planned!
It took hours to just find the meeting place -.-° We didn't know the exact location... just somewhere next to the stairs...
...masses of people |
But then we found some girls that were looking like they could be there for the meet-up^^°
just some randomly taken photos |
We met Ari and then I met Rox and Charlotte (which I've met in Shibuya for the last time in 2012... loooong ago ^^°) I forgot to take photos with the girls... but the location was just crowded... so the group went to the meadow.
along the way we bought something to eat (Manju for me) |
Kiki drank a beer.... I don't like beer~ but I liked this fan ^^ |
Here are some more photos of the meet-up. I didn't take many ... and some are so overexposed... -.-°
Kiki, Kirschu and me with Kitai |
with Kitai again |
group photo |
derp face group photo |
Then we said bye bye to the girls because we wanted to take some more photos alone at another location. Therefore we were searching for Michi (we had lost her in the chaos before ^^°)
Kiki, Kirschu, me and Michi (left to right) ~ love you girls <3 |
I love all these photos soooo much <3 |
beautiful, ne? |
...eeeh??? XD |
Sato~ our MA-NA-GER and photograher <3 |
of course selfie with erveryone ^^ |
Kirschu also had her instant camera with her ^^
some of the results <3 |
we sure had a lot of fun~ haha |
In the evening we went back to Michis place to change clothes for the fireworks in the late evening! Without the sun it was definitely too cold in Yukata!!!
So I changed to a comfortable outfit (sorry no outfit photo ^^°)
just me face and hairstyle |
Actually we wanted to meet with Sato again for the fireworks but the train brought us directly (without stopping at the train station we wanted to use) on the other riverside...
But we also found a place there! |
I'm awfully bad at taking photos of fireworks... these were the best that I could take ^^°...
So very exhausted and tired we went back to Michis place and just went to bed!
The next day Kirschu had to leave kind of early. But Michi, Kiki and I decided to go to eat something nice in Düsseldorf because our train would depart just in the late afternoon!
very simple coord |
So we went to Café Relax! |
I tried Cream Soda for the very first time *o* It's the best I've erver tried!!! |
<3 |
While Kiki and Michi had some Japanese dishes, I just ordered a mixed salad.
very satisfied ^^ |
I hope you also had a nice Japanday when you where there! And I'm trerribly sorry that I didn't meet all the people that I wanted to meet -.-° it was just so crowded... I couldn't find you!!!
So I'm off and back to university stuff and sewing cosplays!
bye bye~ chu <3
Omg~ wow~ Dein Outfit ist so mega schön und die Fotos, auch von euch allen so toll!!! *-*
Schade das ich nicht da war. war leider krank. ;-;
Aber bin von den Bildern total begeistert. ^_^ Sooo schöön!!!
Liebe grüße, Renoyuki
I really adore your second outfit!
You look amazing with that blonde hair <3
But I love the wig you had while wearing your first outfit. Ahhh everything's just lovely! I hope you had a great time
wow, dein Outfit war ja super! ^__^
ahhhh you looked so amazing that day <3 I was happy we met and we could talk a little :3 I hope we will meet again sometime sooner xD
how can you be always so cool? i love this sujimori wig <3
Echt ein tolles Outfit und besonders dein Outfit vom nächten Tag find ich super süß. Sportlich und cool, aber auch süß und stylisch. Genau wie ichs mag ^^
Wow du sahst toll aus! Total klasse! Und generell die ganzen Fotos von euch sind toll!
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