May 10, 2013

Short trip to Düsseldorf and visiting Michi in Gladbeck

Hello again ^o^

Last weeks Tuesday I had another job interview for my internship in Düsseldorf. Aterwards I met with my freind Michi^^
And as it was the 1st of May (national hollyday) the next day I stayed at Michis home untill the next evening^^

very simple styling for the interview
The interwiew itself was a little disappointing -.-° They asked questions that I could never have been prepared for and couldn't think of an answer... I was like....o.O "sorry but I don't know...!" So hard to make up answers and it was more like fudging stories for me >.<° So I don't think I have a chance there...

After this I met Michi and we went to Takagi Book Store. I bought the Popteen May issue and a R2-D2 (STAR WARS) charm ~ haha

Okarie is graduating from Popteen Q____Q she's my biggest gyaru inspiration... so sad...

Cute R2 <3 I put it on my camera^^ (you will see it my mirror shoots~ haha)
We went to the restaurant Don and I had a super delicious Oyakodon (chicken with onions and egg on rice). We planned our London journey and cosplays for the convention Dokomi and our outfits for Japan-Day.... so much planns~ haha

The next morning at Michis home in Gladbeck I realized the huge and beautiful Magnolia tree from her window.
I was impressed!
As Michi is really into Japanese cooking she prepared my favourite meal *o* Udon soup! She's a genius! The taste was so authentic!!

As starter we had Edamame^^
Udon soup with Shitake mushrooms, spring onions and lotus root (for the real Japanese feeling she just needs some different dishes or bowls~ haha)
 In the early afternoon our friend Sato came by. We went mini-golfing ^o^

my "sportive" mini-golf outfit
you can see the R2-D2 charm XD
Michi, Sato and me in front of the mini-golf place
Weather was just so perfect *o* But we were not the only ones who had the idea to go there ^^° There were already a loooot of people. But it was ok.^^°

yeaaaah~ Sato is such a pro XD
I haven't done mini-golf for years ^^° I was a little girl when I practised it for the last time... So I was an awfully bad player... But we had so much fun <3

Me failing at the "middle-hill"...
...and Sato mastering the "double-jump" ^^
as always: good and evil sister Laura photo~ haha (we're both called Laura)
no'll never be the good Laura sister XXDDD no matter how long you try ~ just kidding XD
This is again Satos perfect master-ball (I'm just watching) ~ she's really the best mini-golfer of us!!!
Sato won the match, Michi got the silver medal and I'm the worst player after all ^^°...

Afterwards we went to an ice cream café in Gladbeck. I had Smurf-icecream!!!

I wish Sato luck for her A levels!!! Ganbatte!!! I will do her A levle prom dress *o*
In the evening I caught my train back to Berlin. It was just one and a half day but it was worth it ^^
I'm so thankfull to have such nice friends over there <3 <3 <3

bye bye~ chu <3


Jenny ♥ said...

awww you look great and I love mini golf!!

Michi said...

Das war wirklich cool X3
Aber hey, ich hab beim Minigolfen gewonnen 8>.<8

Ich freu mich schon, wenn du nächsten Freitag wieder kommst^__^

mistymysterious said...

Ich drücke dir die Daumen, dass du ein passendes Praktikum für dich finden kannst!
Solche Fragen sind immer gemein - man muss doch nicht immer alles auf Anhieb wissen und beantworten können - dafür lernt man doch noch!

Ich finde es toll, wie dir Mintgrün steht. Ist leider gar nicht meine Farbe (wenn leider auch als Azubi meine Standardfarbe auf Arbeit), macht aber immer einen frischen Touch. Das Minigolf-Outfit mag ich wirklich sehr, sehr gern. <3
(Und kann es sein, dass du einen Cinnamon-Anhänger am Handy hast? ♥)

Und die Udon sehen echt zum Anbeißen aus. <3

Lau said...

thank you ^^

Lau said...

stimmt ^^° dass du letztendlich doch gewonnen hast, hab vergessen zu erwähnen XD
ich freu mich aaaauuuuch <3

Lau said...

dankeeeee <3 da kann ich haufenweise Glück gebrauchen!!!

jaaaa ich liebe mintgrün <3 und es steht dir nicht? Kann ich mir gar nicht vorstellen o.O ist doch eigentlich keine so Farbe???
Jaaa als Krankenschwester/Arzthelferin trägst du ja meist grün XD

danke für das Kompliment <3
Aber ich habe einen "My Melody"-Anhänger am Handy und jetzt halt den R2-D2 ^^ (Cinnamon kenn ich net ^^°)