Mar 13, 2014

Book Fair Leipzig preparations, new nails

Hello everybody^^

Next weekend the book fair Leipzig will take place. If I'm not mistaken this well be my 9th time attending it. Wow~ time goes by....^^°

As you can see in my opening image, this time I will have two very contrasting cosplays/outfits.
On Saturday I will wear Padmé Amidala (packing gown) from STAR WARS Episode II.
This is how it should look like.
Here I will show you how I made the wig.
I bought two long brown straight wigs.

First I prepared the construction under the hair.
With newspaper and wallpaper paste I made it out of papier-mâshé.
Let them dry. Paint them brown.
Cut one of the two wigs in halfs.
Wrap one half wig around the papier-mâshé constuction that you painted brown...
...until it's completely covered with hair.
Do this with both constructions.

Prepare the left over wig to a bun hairstyle.
Now you have to sew the two hairconstructions alongside.
In the background you can see the clothing.
Finished ^o^
It took me a complete day to make it ^^°... and it did not work completely as I thought it would... it's not perfect but I like it^^ ... It's kind of heavy... I hope it does not slip offmy head >.<°.... aaah I'm scared!

Here are some handicrafts of the acessories.
Made out of foam rubber.
 I was watching Detective Conan movies while doing the handycrafts.~haha

On Sunday I will dress up as Manba again ^^
If you remember, I once did this on the Dokomi last year.
Manba Dokomi 2013
Unfortunately all photos of the Dokomi post are deleted thanks to a crashed server...

But well, this time I will have a small Manba group (I hope) and I will look different.
This is the wig I prepared.
I made it out of two wigs. One in grey and one in pink.
I cut the wigs in halfs and sewed it together. But that's not everything: 
I dissected the left over halfs in parts (like extensions) and sewed these between the layers of the wig.
So now the wig has the weight of two full wigs.
It's really two wigs in one!!!
I needed so much hair for that hairstyle!!!!
Let's hope I can carry it without destroying it before the fair ^^°
Here you can guess what my outfit will almost look like ...

And last but not least here is my new nail design:
My beloved zebra gyaru nails *o* This time with turquoise and pink and glitter and rhinestones ^o^ Very oldschool!!!

See you on LBM !!!
bye bye ~ chu <3


Catherine ❤ said...

Wow you're so talented, I wish I had the patient and skills for crafting! Especially the mamba wig omg :O It looks amazing!!!! Please style mine too XD

tine said...

OMG ich bin verliebt in die wig... ich wollt eigentlich mein naturhaar nur aufstylen aber jetzt bin ich am überlegen meine lila wig umzustylen. die perücke sieht echt genial aus.

ich freu mich auf sonntag

Michiru said...

OMG wie bekommst du das nur immer so gut hin?!!
Kann ich mich neben dir am Samstag wirklich auf die LBM trauen^^'
Auch wenn ich deinen gebastelten Schmuck so sehe, find ich meinen gerade irgendwie häßlich... T.T

Also ich bin mal wieder beeindruckt und hoffe, dass ich neben dir nicht peinlich aussehe^^

Jenny ♥ said...

Wow, du hast so ein Talent dafür, irgendetwas irgendwie zu Nähen. Das ist der Wahnsinn - vorallem die Perrücke sieht jetzt richtig genial aus! Kann die Bilder kaum abwarten <3333

mistymysterious said...

Wow, das ist einfach nur klasse!! <3
Ich finde es immer wieder toll, wie du mit Perücken umgehen kannst und auch Accessoires und Co... bin schon sehr drauf gespannt und hoffe, dass ich dich am Samstag (und natürlich auch Sonntag) sehe. <3

Miya said...

Wow... krass. Ich finde es hammer wie du das alles machst.