Jul 22, 2012

Meeting Rin on Friday / Saturday as usual ^o^

Hello gals ^o^

Friday I met Rin for a short time. I only met her one time on book fair Leipzig and I read her blog and she reads mine [her blog ^^] So we didn't know each other very good .
But she's a very likeable and friendly gal and she was in Berlin because of her graduation trip! So we decided to meet!
After some quarrels with her tour group and their organisation we managed to meet XP

my outfit:

shoes are from Tally Weijl and necklace is from Bijou Brigitte and the rest is from H&M

We were trying to take a nice snapshot of ourselfs... and we had at least 484793 tries~ haha
Decide on your own wich one is the best ~haha

we bought bubble tea ^^°
2nd try *lol*
another try from below^^°
Rins lovely Golds Infinity bag <3 I like heart shaped bags a lot! Maybe I can get one in Japan? (no matter what brand!)
The next day I met with Kiki <3
We had to do a lot of preparation before Japan. Buying necessary things.... planing what to do ect.....
So I didn't take a lot exciting photos... not even one with Kiki together Q_____Q

my outfit:

I just bought booooooooooring see-through fine pantihoses .... and socks -.-°

 and a super bargain at Tally ^^ A belt for 2,99€

exhaused in the end of the day
the best photo of the day ~haha~ my donught ^.^
bye bye gals <3
Now I gonna work hard on the next cosplays (for Connichi) to get them ready before our trip to Japan (3 weeks left *o*)
bye bye ~chu <3


Jallou said...

Am besten ist das zweite Foto von euch, wegen dem Mann mit der grünen Jacke im Hintergrund xD

Jenny ♥ said...

sieht nach spaß aus *-* ihr seid hübsch!

Lau said...

@ Jallou jaaaaa, der ist geil XD wie sie alle in den Himmel starren XD

Lau said...

@ Jenny Dankeeeee <3