Aug 17, 2012

Day 4 - International Gyaru Meet Up in Shibuya

Hello gals ^o^
The 4th day was my highlight day until now ^o^

Charlotte and Rox organised a Gal Meet Up in Tokyo (Shibuya).
I planned to go there from Kyoto with the Shinkansen!

First I had to get my Japan Rail Pass. So I can use every JR-Line train including the Shinkansen for free for one week.
It took some time... so I had to gulp my breakfast down to get the train I wanted to take.
I was on time... but all the trains were stopping in Kyoto due to heavy rain.... so I was sitting 45min in the HIKARI Shinkansen to wait for the start....
I felt like using the Deutsche Bahn  (German railways)....'cause they are always late.

nervous and alone in the train..... ^^°(still without lenses)
my outfit (I forgot to take a real outfit shot in front of a mirror ^^°) in coorperation with some items of Kiki ~thank you for your belt, bag and foxtail <3 <3 <3~chu
 And so I arrived around 40min too late in Shibuya Q______Q I was so damn nervous!!!!
The meet up should start in front of SHIBUYA 109. But arriving 40min too late....all the girls were already gone.....

Shibuya 109 -  the most famous Gyaru shopping center
So I had to search for them!!!
I went into Shibuya 109 and searched on every floor. I finally found them in front of GLAD NEWS store.
I was so relieved!!!

We were strolling through the shops and a camera team escorted us. They had the permission to film in Ma*rs, D.I.A. and Tutuha (if I can remember correct^^°)

I did not know anyone of the girls before (except Rin but she did not stay for a long time so I have no photo with her...) but they were all super nice and cute and all looked soooo gorgeous *o*

I did not buy anything ^^°... so we left Shibuya 109 and the camera team wanted to film us again XP

here you can see the camera team on the stairs XP

Afterwards we went to a game/purikura center to take puris together ^o^
The center was so overcrowded with people and schoolgirls and it was so hot inside despite air condition.
But it was so funny <3 <3 <3

super long line in front of the puri mashines ^^°
We were so many girls (and boys) in the puri mashines ~haha we had to squash on the photos *lol*

Afterwards I bought a tapioca drink...sorry no photo^^°
And then we entered a gyaru cafe.

We had to use the elevator to the 7th floor and entered a very small room. I wouldn't have expected a café inside o.O The waitresses were gals and on the tables all sorts of gyaru magazines were laying out.
You can imagine it like a maid café but with and made for gyarus ^o^ cho kakkoi ~haha

actually it was not allowed to take photos... ^^°
It was really so super nice...the time was flying ...
I get to know some of the girls better and we played silly games and drank a coke. 

Laura and me (~haha she has the same name like me ^^°)
the rest of us in the evening (before I had to leave)
Shibuya at night (evening ^^°) and then I had to get my Shinkansen back to Kyoto
Was it worth while, to come to Tokyo for that one day and to meet some gaijin gyaru?
YES, IT WAS <3 <3 <3

The only thing I brought with me from Tokyo is that Ma*rs advertisment catalouge.^^°

If you want to see another perspective of our Japan journey, I recommend Michis blog
She blogs every day and tells you more about cultural and culinary stuff !

bye bye ~chu <3

1 comment:

Kirschu said...

Uha 40 Minuten verspätung, da hast du dich sicher ganz wie daheim gefühlt uû
Aber toll das dus noch geschafft hast die anderen zu finden und das du soviel Spaß bei dem Treffen hattest das es das auch Wert war :D
Eure Puri's sind cool, man wieviele wart ihr denn in der Maschine, das war doch bei uns schon so eng XD
Übrigens die Puris von Düsseldorf und die CD sind bereits vor ein paar Tagen heil hier angekommen :-)
OKay, ich wünsch euch noch viel Spaß und werde mir gleich mal noch Michis Blog anschauen.