Jul 3, 2014

Gyarusa Meet-up

Hello gals <3

Two weeks ago we had our long-awaited gal meet-up. My gyarusa didn't have one since Christmas Q___Q

First of all here are two new informations about our Gyarusa:

1.  We renamed our circle: It's not longer called "GG-Glitter" but "UniQue" from now on!!!

2. Some of our girls made a new (sub)circle. And I'm also part of it.
   Often it's so complicated to organise something in a big group. So we decided to create a new (sub)gyarusa.

We're called "Mojito" and this is our blog ^^ http://mojitogalcircle.blogspot.de/
Make sure to follow us ^o^ It's just online for 3 days!

But let's return to UniQue's big meet-up!

This was my outfit^^
Everything is offbrand. I'm honest to you and tell you where I got these things.
top - New Yorker
trousers - ??? were my mom's before
shoes - Kleiderkreisel (H&M)
chain belt - Tally Weijl
necklace - Primark
daisy headband - Claire's
bikini top - Kik
So you see, not every nice outfit has to consist of Japanese brand items!!!
Here you can see the back of the top and the pink bikini top.
I coloured hair strands with yellow hair chalk this time ^^ I'm so much into hair chalk right now *o*
First we all met at a subway station and then went to a super nice café !
Tine, Tama, Yuna and me still at the subway
our long table in the café
Nearly all of the members were there and also 3 "guests" XD So we were kind of a huge group of 14 people!!!
my carrot+nut cake and my Amaretto hot chocolate *o*~
let's make a selfie without looking ^^°
and with looking into the camera ^^ Mao and me
After we were all stuffed and finised our discussion about our circle activities and stuff we were heading towards a nice photo location!

The weather was kind of instable. Sun, rain, sun, rain, cold, warm.....hmmmm
Actually we had planned to go to a beach at a lake. But for this weather we had to change our plans!
 We found a quiet side road for taking some photos <3 (Well.. quiet with disturbances by cars ^^°)
Here are our street snaps!
Tama, Thanan, Fuyu
Kiki, Yuna, Tine
Hani, Senja and me
what is this o.O ? XXDDD
giant group selfie XD
haha~ hairsmile~ so what? XD
derp ~ what else...
beauties of the day~ Kiki and me
While slowly walking to the next and final stop (a cocktail bar XD) we did sooo many selfies @.@... OMG it was a real selfie marathon ^^° here are some of them: 
A-chan and me
Kiki and Fuyu (wait, this isn't a real selfie.. isn't it??? XP)
Tine and me
Hani and Mao
Tama and me
Jaqueline (one of our "guests" XD) and Senja
Thanan and me
Behind the selfie-scenes XD
Fuyu and me
Senja and me
puh~ enough selfies for the rest of one's life XD
cheers~ finally in the coctailbar XD

There were not many photos taken in the cocktail bar.... But we had so much fun <3 <3 <3 I love my sa-jin ~ I'm so happy UniQue (former GG-Glitter) brought us all together!!!
melon smile Senja or mustache??? XD
In the late evening Mao, Hani, Jaqueline and me decided to go dancing afterwards in Soda Club!
the party-group from behind
It was really funny in the club! We danced like nobody was watching ~ haha
But light in clubs is not suited for taking photos ^^°...
mirror shot ^^
I really like the photo of the club photograher <3
It was such a nice day and I guess now we're all fired up for more gyarusa activities ^o^ Right now we're doing a new layout for our blog and facebook page and try to be more active online in the future !!!

bye bye~ chu <3


Renoyuki said...

Schöner Eintrag wieder und süße Fotos! ^_^
Ich mag deine gelben strähnchen sehr gerne. Auch das Outfit steht dir gut und hast recht, man kann auch aus nicht japanischen brands tolle outfits machen. darum bist du für mich auch eine große inspiration! :-)

LG, Renoyuki

Honey Tan said...

Everyone looks lovely! I am still yet to go to a gyaru meetup.

Jenny ♥ said...

Ihr seht alle klasse aus *__* wirklich toll <3 ich mag das gelb! Das steht dir total <3

Catherine ❤ said...

It's great that so many gals came! Everyone looks so good! And I loooove your hair! The yellow highlights is the perfect touch <333

Lau said...

danke danke XD wow~ Inspiration XD fühl mich voll geehrt >///<
klar helfen japaniche Marken sich ein bisschen mehr an den Vorbildern zu fühlen! Und bei einigen Marken gibt es auch kaum andere alternative Angebote hier bei uns!(d.i.a. zB) Aber gaaaanz viel, was in Japan modern ist, gibt es ja auch bei den internationalen fast fashion labels ... die Japaner kaufen auch selbst oft genug bei H&M oder Forever 21 oder ähnlichem! Und das gilt auch für Gals!!!

Lau said...

@Honey Tan
Thank you so much ^^ I will tel the others about your compliment

Lau said...

Yes, a big group if fun <3 but it's harder to organise things in huge groups of people ^^°
Thank you^^ Yes I iked it, too! ... but the yellow hair chalk is really aggressive and bleeds out -.-° Other colours lasted longer and didn't bleed so much!