Aug 15, 2013

Day with friends/ Purikura in Berlin/ gets

Hello everybody ^^
Last weekend my friends Kiki and Kirschu came back from Japan.

So we used the time when Kirschu was still in Berlin (she's from the south of Germany actually) to meet^^
We wanted to do some transactions... and of course doing Purikura and go for a meal!

My outfit:

I was wearing my new Tralala onepiece ^o^

I really like the look. It's cute and pink with ruffles and a big bow <3 But the denim bodice tones it down! So it is not too princessy! A very good mix!

A very sweet and pinkish make up.

my eye make up
I like using such a bandana in my hair. I think it got kind of trendy again as I often saw it in Egg/Popteen ....

First we decided to do Purikura!
Yeah~ it's the truth! Finally we have PURIKURA in Berlin !!!!!

It's the same photobooth that was located in Hamburg before. But the owner did not find a good place for the mashine in Hamburg.
So he made a deal with the "J-Store" that is located in Berlin Charlottenburg. And now "My Purikura" is located in the J-Store in Berlin! Happy <3

Kiki and Kirschu on the way
They both got extensions in Japan! And Kiki even has a completely new haircolour! Light brown! They both look fantastic ^o^

Kiki, Kirschu and the owner in front of the photobooth
Actually it's a BF mashine. It's a "new" mashine compared to those that were standing in Düsseldorf and the one standing in London.

one last make up check~
Here are the results~
I really like the mashine! You can always do 5 square and 2 upended photos and can choose for 6 final photos!

Nice backgrounds and nice decoration tools ^o^

It costs 8€ to use the mashine.

The only negative point is that it is kind of far away from the area where we usually linger.

one last photo before leaving ^^
Afterward we went to "Crèpestation" (als usual~ haha) and I got a crèpe for free because my point card was full~ yeah ^o^ lucky~

our crèpes <3 me, Kiki, Kirschu (from left to right)
In the evening we went to the restaurant "Makoto".

I can't get enough of Edamame <3
~ food spam XD (I just had Torikara this time)
calpis+soda ~
It was a really nice day <3 I love my girls ^^ can't wait to see Kirschu again in October (on the convention MMC). I hopefully will see Kiki earlier again~ haha

Kiki also brought some great stuff from Japan for me <3
I gave her the money and she tried to get what I wanted ^^° Thank you soooooo much Kiki !!!

Ranzuki September issue (unfortunately it's a beauty special this time -.-° I'm a little disappointed... only make up and hairstyles.... no fashion...)
 But I will show you some scans nevertheless in the next post!

new lashes: Diamond Lash Angel Eye and Cat's Eye; Dolly Wink~ Baby Girl (lower lashes) and also Diamond Eyelid Tape
hair chalk <3 thank you Kiki~ I didn't expect her to bring this ^^°
my lashes-wardrobe~ wow~ seems that I have enough lashes right now.... but you never have enough lashes!!!~ haha
Kiki also bought two tops from d.i.a. for me under difficult conditions. All the things that I wanted were sold out... only new arrivels there.
But she picked out two tops that I suuuuuper love! Good taste Kiki <3

1st top <3 so gorgeous
2nd top~ front
2nd top~ back
Exactly what I wanted: gold metal parts, gold print, hood, crossed straps at the back <3

That's it!
bye bye ~ chu <3


Thess said...

Wow deine Haare sehen sooo perfekt und toll aus^^ Und dein Make-up auch so perfekt :3
Ich bin immer noch neidisch, dass es hier in Düsseldorf keine japanischen Crepes gibt :( Das fehlt wirklich noch :/

Kati said...

You look really cute! ^^ I love the makeup! And the second d.i.a top looks AMAZING *O* Can't wait to see what it looks like worn!

will said...

Oh ja das Makoto ist schon cool, ich gehe dort schon seit 9 Jahren essen und werde dort trotzdem nie erkannt. >_< haha..

Die Purikura Maschine ist toll, oder? Danke für den Tipp nochmal, war auch schon dort und war angenehm überrascht! ^^ War sehr cool.
Hab gedacht vielleicht sehe ich dich ja zufällig da... Hehe ^_~ Aber leider nicht passiert.

Das Kleid ist zauberhaft!!

Lau said...

dankeschööön ^^ na ja perfekt...XD wär ja langweilig, wenn's perfekt wär XD
stimmt... das fehlt Düsseldorf wirklich!
bye <3

Lau said...

thank you a lot ^o^
Yes! I love it!
I will wear it tomorrow!!!

Lau said...

vllt. erkennen sie dich schon nur lassen es sich nicht anmerken?
jaaa ich bin saufroh über die Maschine in Berlin *o*
Oh ich werd sicherlich noch öfter da sein ;P vllt sieht man sich mal XD

Ruki said...

Wieder ein guter Eintrag ^^

Das ja dann ein richtiger Purikura Automat, höö? ^^
Der Preis ist zwar ein wenig teuer, aber was macht man nicht alles für Puris hihi ^^

Mensch ich würde mich voll über Scans aus der Ranzuki freuen (ich will diese Ausgabe haben, mensch >.<)

Wenn ich dann MMC in Berlin bin werde ich das Ding erst mal besuchen haha xD (die Puri Maschine meine ich ^^)

mistymysterious said...

Haha... ja, die Purikura-Maschine. <3

Vielleicht sehen wir uns da dann auch mal - werde eindeutig öfter mal vorbeigehen. ;)

Die Oberteile sind echt genial!! Liebe für diese! ♥
Und erzähl doch bitte einmal davon, sobald du die Haarkreide benutzt hast - ich bin immer noch am Überlegen, mir welche anzuschaffen, denke aber nach wie vor, dass das bei dunklen Haaren nicht recht klappt. :-/
Würde mich einfach mal interessieren, wie sich diese Kreide allgemein macht.^^

Lau said...

jaaaa ein richtiger Automat <3
ja 8€ allein ist schon viel aber wenn man es sich mit Freunden teilt, dann geht es ja!

Japp, tu das ^^ Ein Besuch lohnt sich auf jeden Fall XD

Lau said...

jaaa der Puri-automat <3
Würd mich auch freuen, wenn wir mal zusammen hingehen würden ^^

ja hab die Haarkreide schon benutzt und werde auch darüber bloggen ^^

bye <3

Unknown said...

You are so cute and the dress makes you look even cuter :3.
The 2nd top is just amazing , I want it too --laughs--.
Uhm~Sorry to ask you , but this top : is from AMISU or FBsister in New Yorker? Sorry , but it`s kinda hard for me to search for it in all those clothes there >.<.

Lau said...

Thank you so much <3

Well this top is actually from the swimwear collection of New Yorker!
I already cut the labeling .... >.< so I can't say what brand it is. On the chain is written "ENSORED" ! I Hope it helps you! Good luck!
bye <3

Unknown said...

Thank you very much~! It really helps me :3. Now I need to go at a New Yorker soon >.>.
Thank you again :3. I hope I can find it.

Aya S said...

Hey, super cute pictures! Actually I found your blog because I was googling some info on Purikura in Berlin.

I also went to Purikura in J-Store recently too and wrote about it:

I didn't know about Crepestation though! I have to go check it out~ Thanks!