Hello everybody ^^
Some might have expected the GG-Glitter meet-up post before... but I start with a simple post about things I've done today.
I will post about the meet-up the next days!
my simple styling today |
simple and cute eye make up (actually not very usefull ^^°...because I spend the day at home... haha~ but I felt like using lashes and stuff!) |
The 23rd od December ist traditionally the day to decorate the christmas tree in our family.
And in the morning it was such a Christmassy feeling 'cause it started snowing again ^^... but right now it's raining and snow is melting away Q___Q.
some Christmas tree decorations |
and some more ^^ |
finished |
some details^^ |
my doing <3 |
But I wanted to do some more things today!
Making cookies and wrapping Christmas presents^^
But before I did so, I went out to have a look on our very small local Christmas market in Friedrichshagen (small part of Berlin where I live)
But it was no fun at all walking outside.... the complete streets were frozen with black ice... very dangerous to walk!!!
the complete street is iced o.O... danger of slipping to the max!!! |
When I came back home safely, I started to make cookies! I tried a new recipe with powdered sugar instead of ordinary sugar and with custard powder.
But I'm not satisfied. The taste is good but I don't like the consitsency...
my beloved Pikachu biscuit cutter <3 |
As I was not fully convined with the cookies I didn't have the enthusiasm to decorate them... |
In the end of the day I wrapped all my Christmas presents for the family members! Here are my presents for them ^^ |
I will spend the Chirstmas days with my family. We will spend Christmas eve at my sisters place and on the 25th the complete family will come to my parents home!
Let's hope eveything will be calm and placid!!!
So I wish you all a merry merry Christmas ^o^ See you the next days!
bye bye ~ chu <3
Pikachu förmchen?! *^*
Merry Christmas! <3
Ohh das Pikatchu-Austechförmchen ist total süß. :D
jaaaaaa *o*
das hab ich schon ganz lange^^°
dankööööööööö <3 <3 <3
dir auch froooohes Fest ^o^
jaaa das Ding scheint voll der Renner zu sein^^
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